Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The UFC Heavyweight Division Needs Bobby Lashley

If you have been following mma for the last couple years then I'm sure you are well aware of the rise of both Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley in the sport. Both are former WWE superstars with wrestling backgrounds from high school and college. Regardless of the background both are freak of nature athletes and have been dominating much more experienced opponents inside the cage.

The difference though is that Brock Lesnar is fighting for the UFC Heavyweight Championship at and Bobby Lashley is headlining mid-level cards for probably less than a fraction of what his former WWE teammate is making from Zuffa. Dana White and the UFC need to buckle down and go sign Bobby Lashley before some other organization like Strikeforce or Affliction picks him up and turns him into a star. If nothing else it will benefit them to keep him from fighting somewhere else.

Here recently UFC President Dana White has said that they wanted him for TUF 10 and he refused at the request of his manager. Bobby Lashley is smart he knows he is already worth much more than the contract he would get for winning the Ultimate Fighter. They said he needed to win some more fights before getting a contract offer from Zuffa. Bobby Lashley is 4-0 and has won by decision, tko and submission in those fights. Brock Lesnar was just 1-0 with a win against Min Soo Kim when he was signed by the company.

If you look around at the UFC heavyweight division they are thin on top talent. They have about 6-8 guys that are consistent and the rest are guys shuffled in and out of the organization. After this upcoming season 10 of TUF they will have some more guys like Roy Nelson and Kimbo Slice to name a few. But still it wouldn't kill them to pay Bobby Lashley and bring in one of the best heavyweight prospects in the world. After all who wouldn't want to see Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar?

So keep your eyes open and just maybe you will see Dana White and the UFC do the right thing and sign Bobby Lashley. Then again perhaps they will be content at having Brock Lesnar and allow Bobby Lashley to go become a big star with Strikeforce or Affliction.

(Bukisa ID #116217)

Content Source: The UFC Heavyweight Division Needs Bobby Lashley - Bukisa.com

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